Editorial Practices

Information Accuracy

This editorial practice policy outlines the accuracy of information provided by Earlsway Estates Ltd. We strive to keep our website up to date, however, information may change at any time and the contents of the website may not be updated to reflect this. In the event of any concern, please email enquiries@skylets.co.uk.

News, Reviews, and Testimonials

Earlsway Estates Ltd provides written reviews, features, news, blogs, press releases, and guides on its website. These may be opinion-based and will be labelled as such. Guides may include recommendations and advice to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. Written testimonials and written reviews about Sky Lets are sourced from Google, with stock imagery used in place of real identity-revealing images.

Content Disclaimer

Earlsway Estates Ltd takes care and precaution to ensure that the information contained on the website is accurate and up to date, however, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information. This is due to the amount of information supplied to Earlsway Estates Ltd proofed and fact-checked where possible, however, Earlsway Estates Ltd is not responsible for the integrity or accuracy of the contents of any third-party information included on the website. We recommend that you verify such information with these parties directly.

Earlsway Estates Ltd is not responsible for the content of any external sites. Any experiences on external sites from this one are undertaken at your own risk and without reliance upon any information, representation, or certification from Earlsway Estates Ltd, its employees, or agents.

References to any product or service that has been or may be provided by Earlsway Estates Ltd or any third-party company shall not constitute promises as to the availability of such products or services at any time. Earlsway Estates Ltd reserves the right to make any improvements in and/or changes to products and services described on this website at any time.